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Children’s Mental Health Week

4 min read

Between 7th-13th February 2022

Dr Ellie Cannon, practicing GP and expert on family health and children’s wellbeing, joined us for a weeklong Q&A session in order to help families and raise awareness for Children’s Mental Health Week between 7th-13th February.

This year’s theme for Children’s Mental Health Week was ‘Growing Together’, including growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other learn, grow and adapt. With ‘Growing Together’ in mind, we asked our members and audience across our social channels for questions and advice that Dr Ellie may be able to answer.

If you missed our Q&A session with Dr Ellie then you can catch up below.

Questions & Answers:

1. My son is nearly 10 years old and I’ve noticed he has started to gain weight quickly. We have always been quite an active family and relatively healthy. I’m worrying that he is making the wrong decision when he is at school and the food that he picks for lunch, how to do I best deal with this without making it too big of an issue

2. My child is on the young people’s mental health list to be seen for an appointment, we have been told the waiting time is over 12 months, what should I do in the meantime? 

3. My son is in primary school and I have noticed that he really struggles to mix with other children. The teachers are happy with him in terms of education but struggle on the social side. I have tried to arrange social groups but he won’t get involved, should I take him to the GP? I’m getting really concerned, he won’t talk to or play with his classmates. 

4. My 4-year-old is frightened to go outside as she thinks she will catch the germs, what should I do? 

5. I’ve noticed some superficial scratches on my 12yr old son’s arm, he’s quite evasive and withdrawn when I’ve asked. I think he is doing it to himself but I’m frightened to ask him. Should I ask?

6. My daughter is refusing to allow me to make her pack lunch and is really fussy about food, she has lost a lot of weight and I have tried to discuss it with her but she won’t discuss it. She is happy for me to cook her dinner but not her packed lunch for school. I’m not sure what to do next?

We hope this Q&A session has gone some way to breaking the stigma around mental health and that it has helped you and your family to grow together.

We know that talking about mental health can be tricky for some, especially when it comes to children so we would like to thank those who sent in their questions and acknowledge their bravery.

For more information and support about Children Mental Health Week please visit or speak to your GP.

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