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Gymfinity Member Stories: Chlo in Cambridge 

7 min read

At Gymfinity Kids, we have children from all walks of life and of all different abilities and levels. Seeing their self-confidence grow, as well as their skills, is incredible to watch. We celebrate all achievements, no matter how big or small, as each one can help propel them to be the best they can be. 

We endeavour to provide the best possible experience in our gymnastics and ninja clubs for both children and parents, and so many of our members have truly captivating tales to share about their child’s Gymfinity journey. 

We spoke to member, Ann Bentley, on her daughter’s time at Gymfinity Kids in Cambridge, and it is heartwarming to hear how Chlo has discovered her capabilities. Chlo has autism, struggles with change and can get very anxious, but she has excelled beyond what either of them could have expected.  

She’s been a member since June 2019 and now participates in gymnastics, ninja AND dance classes at our Cambridge club with her newfound confidence – read on to hear all about her journey! 

Gymfinity Member Stories: Chlo in Cambridge 

Hi Ann, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us! Let’s start from the beginning – why did you decide to sign Chlo up to Gymfinity and what does she get up to in club? 

Ann: I decided to sign Chlo up to Gymfinity Kids in Cambridge to help support her physical development. It is also a great way to build her strength while ensuring it stays fun and something she wants to do!

She started gymnastics in 2019 and then after lockdown, she decided to give Ninja classes a try. Towards the end of 2023, she then began the Dance Mash-Up classes as well. She loves them all equally but gymnastics marginally more as she has more experience and skills from doing it for longer. 

How did she feel after her first lesson compared to how she feels after her classes now?  

Straight from the start, she really enjoyed her classes. For the first few months, Chlo was exhausted after class as she was building her stamina and strength, but now with the experience and increased fitness, she’s still tired but there’s a vast improvement.

Chlo currently has a Level 2 certificate for gymnastics and a Level 3 for Ninja. Her physical ability is never going to be that of an elite athlete, but there’s been huge progress. 

Every time she leaves class, she tells me all about what she got up to, the feedback from her coaches and what she wants to practice at home. Chlo’s always so happy after class and appears to feel a sense of achievement – she talks about Gymfinity every single day! 

How have you seen Chlo progress in her activity classes at Gymfinity Kids?  

Just before lockdown, Chlo suddenly started building relationships with the Gymfinity team – especially coaches Karly and Lucy. She struggles with building relationships but this newfound trust and a desire to be with the coaches saw her love for Gymfinity grow. She then was motivated to start Ninja!  

Starting at the club was an anxious process for her. To start, she wouldn’t let me leave the gym and wanted to be sure I always had my eyes on her as her physical ability wasn’t great. Now, she’s happy to go into club alone and find her coaches! 

Chlo takes part in so many of the extra sessions the Cambridge club offers: parties, intensive sessions, crash courses, workshops – you name it! She’s still a very anxious girl who doesn’t like change, but she recently tried a holiday camp for the first time which showed me how much her confidence has grown. 

Gymfinity Kids is so much more than an activity club for her. She knows her favourite people are all within the club so she feels safe, loved and understood.  

What obstacles has Chlo faced and how has Gymfinity helped her through them? 

As Chlo has autism, she thrives on routine and any changes are often difficult for her. The team at Gymfinity Kids Cambridge have been amazing in ensuring she is thoroughly prepared for any changes with coaches which include having someone she knows well sit with her until she’s settled in with the new coach, and informing her which stations will be involved, so she knows what to expect.  

Something that I’ve really noticed is how good the communication is between the coaches and her. They’re able to spot when she’s feeling wobbly so they can be sensitive to her needs, and when they can see she’s stable and happy, they can give her an extra push to achieve! We’ve all noticed positive changes in her recently. 

They’re all just pleased she’s happy, doing what she loves and trying her best. Chlo never feels she needs to pretend to be someone she isn’t at Gymfinity. 

How does Chlo deal with nerves in Gymfinity competitions? 

When it comes to the competitions, she has always felt fully supported. Chlo has a toy cat that acts as her security blanket – it goes everywhere with her, including competitions!

She also feels secure with her cat earmuffs on during her gymnastics and ninja classes (especially when microphones are used), and everyone has been very accepting and understanding.  

Chlo often sits away from the others at competitions and can’t engage with other children. Coaches Hannah and Emily are amazing at making sure Chlo knows what’s happening (i.e. who she’ll be with and which areas of the gym floor she will be using) and where she can sit safely if she doesn’t want to be with the group.  

Ultimately, at the competitions, she knows that all the coaches are rooting for her and that they want her to try her best. 

Why does Chlo love Gymfinity?  

I asked Chlo and this is her answer: “Everything. The coaches are kind and help me if I’m struggling – I trust them. My favourite is Emily Peck as she makes me feel safe. I really like that she makes classes really fun but also makes sure we behave, and I know what she expects from me. But I also like lots of the other coaches too. Karl is very kind to me and Ben is very good at keeping me safe… when I’m not being safe! 

Gymfinity is a lot of fun and hard work, but it helps me get stronger. I love to get Star of the Week because it makes me feel as good as the other children! I like that everyone gets a chance to have their achievements celebrated. You don’t have to be the best; you just have to do your best and listen.” 

A huge thank you to both Ann and Chlo for sharing their Gymfinity story.  

If you’d also like to share your child’s journey with us, please get in touch!

Fill in this form and a member of the team will get back to you. If your story is published, you’ll be gifted a free month of your Gymfinity membership as a thank-you.

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